Tuesday, February 07, 2006

USC allows the fruits of child labor to be sold on campus? you’re kidding me!

An article in the Daily Trojan gives the perspective of a student who grew up in a third world country and has difficulty with the laissez-faire attitude her fellow classmates take towards labor exploitation:

The designer imitation market has grown significantly over the years, expanding all over Asia, from China to Indonesia. These countries are "qualified" to participate in imitation markets, but the only qualification that allows their active participation in this immoral industry is their indifference to child labor. The majority of the factories that manufacture such unethical merchandise do so with the innocent hands of children. These victims of globalism work more than 10 hours a day - an eternity for youngsters - in the worst working environment imaginable.


What is even more frustrating is the fact that our administration pursues such unethical and illegal practice instead of prohibiting it.

we couldn't agree with you more, Ms. Chin. we could NOT agree with you more....