Wednesday, April 26, 2006

art. theater. sweatshops. tomorrow at noon.

Hey all,

Here are the details on tomorrow's event:

What: Sweatshop Theatre
Who: Brent Blair's "Theater in the Community" class
and the Student Coaliton Against Labor Exploitation (SCALE)

When: Tomorrow: 04/27, 12-1pm.
Where: McCarthy Quad (a reserved, protected space and event)

Professor Blair's class of 15-20 members will be putting on a presentation of "Sweatshop Theatre." The performers will enact the conversion of people all throughout the world into sweatshop workers; particularly those producing our own USC apparel. They will move from the four corners of the quad with large pieces of cardinal and gold fabric and then proceed to move into the action of sewing.Throughout the performances, which will repeat at intervals of about 15-20 minutes, the Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation WILL BE PRESENT to answer any questions people might have and engage in a dialogue surrounding these issues. There will be poster boards up on the field which will challenge students to think about the conditions in which their clothing is made.

ps: also, put the word out on your listserves!
pps: any budding photographers out there wanna pick this one up?
ppps: mccarthy quad is the one right between leavey library and doheny, flanked by VKC and the parking structure.

-- d romero

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Míchel, I've put the word out! In all seriousness, I would've liked to go but I have class. It sounds pretty.